Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lost in the plot.....

I know that all of you have been waiting for a new post...well it kinda goes like this ... and the like.... enough of the excuses. Aidan has had a really busy summer. First a trip to Ottawa to visit Aunt Sandra and Uncle John, next the start of school, or as we like to call it baby prison.

Grandma has been asking for more posts....
So we'll try to catch up quickly...

Our friends Christine and Steve packed up and returned back to New Brunswick... That was a sad good-bye, but we wish them the best of luck. We will miss them...

Aidan had a fantastic birthday party... security was tight but the paparazzi invaded..lawsuits are still pending. We should settle out of court (high seven figures we hope!?d'oh).

Our little adventure boy came down with a case of pneumonia when Daddy was away.. A trip to the E.R with Grandma and Mommy and many hugs and kisses (and some oxygen and antibiotics) and all was returned to normal. Daddy had several nervous e-mails and phone calls, but our little guy weathered the storm nicely.

Check back soon as we have much more to catch up on
Aidan, Janet, Christopher, Daisy, and Buster too


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