Christmas Tornado
Christmas has officially come and gone for our little family. It all began on the 22nd of December at Grandpa John and Grandma Robins. A fun time was had by all and we shall not mention the little incident of the door malfunction.
Grandpa John broke out the tools and the day was saved. Our little boy began the second day by being incredibly spoiled.
Then Christmas eve we all attended dinner at Great Grandpa Joe's, Pauline cooked up a fantastic dinner for us all.
So far so good, two days, as of this point we have had to cook zero meals (score!). Christmas Day came along, and this will more than likely not be able to sleep in. I think that Aidan was the last one awake (9:00am).
All that I will say about that morning is this, spoiled rotten and what is wrong with that. As you can see frogs still factor largely in the equation. This is starting to get dizzying, but hey, our boy deserves ever moment of it and has been as good as gold.
Whew, Boxing day was hosted by us at our house. The best part of this one was that Grandma Pualine brought all the fixings and prepared and served it all. Kira and Jamie topped off the meal with a most delicious dessert. On top of all that we were all spoiled yet again.
Well I know that this has been a lot to digest (not the turkey) and you are all looking for seconds. Check back soon for more photos and tales. We hope that everyone had an awesome Christmas and we are looking forward to 2007.
Love and best wishes ,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan
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