Saturday, May 12, 2007

King of the road....

Hi all,
As you can see Aidan is the newest member of the Tn Racing Team (tm). With only 1 race under his belt he has already taken Formula Uno (that's one in Mexican!?, I think) racing by storm. Watch out all, and remember slower traffic please move to the right hand lane.
Shortly after this pic was taken our little racer boy had a visit to the Doctor, some blood was taken as were other fluids that we encounter daily (collection was tricky, and weird...bags and tape involved. 'Nuf said.)
All seems well, at 19lbs and 29" our little guy is determined to get to that magic 20lbs, 29" and one year mark (for those unaware this is the magic combination when the car seat can become forward facing, thereby allowing the person directly in front to not become intimate with the dashboard and sun visor).
When not speeding around the town, our little racer boy has taken to crawling around his casa with a vengeance. Great room to Kitchen....12 seconds flat, unless traffic (i.e. Buster or Daisy) is re-routed around furry crashes and/or distractions of a shinny nature.
Solid food is still elusive, however Nutrio's(Cheerios for little people) and Mum Mum's are still the snacks of preference. Juice and Aidan is like watching a freshman kegger gone awry. Mushed everything else is meet with disdain, but is still inhaled with authority. Can't blame him, I'd rather eat candy all day but Janet won't let me either.
With Mothers Day fast approaching I have been dispatched, Aidan's credit card in hand to buy Mommy the bestest Mothers Day Gift EVER. I will hopefully come up to his very high expectations (note: anyone with any ideas email me @ PLEASE!)
Hope everyone has a great Mothers Day,

Janet, Christopher and Aidan too


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