Dinosaur Drama

As you can see Aidan is hanging out with his new friend Dinosaur.
Well, the act of acquiring said dino was how shall we put it, interesting and fraught with intrigue and drama.
Aidan first met his new buddy at the local Winners store; they hit it off like a house on fire (not actual fire, more kinda metaphorical less painful fire). After several hours in line, and many adoring looks from the 'public', a problem occurred with Janet's gift card (Winners, security breach? Huh?). A short twenty four hours of screaming and many tears shed the two friends were finally reunited. All is well in the world once again. Although some rumours of the impending return of Gumblor have been heard, his return is sure to be also a loud affair.
Happy Easter to one and all,
Janet, Christopher, and Aidan too!
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