Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Stroller Bowl

Hello all,
Yesterday we all decided that it would be a good idea to shake off the smell of house and go for a little adventure. Well we didn't venture far or have any hilarious circumstances ensue, Erin Mills Towne Centre held nothing but distraction.
If just to escape the terrible weather and bitter cold we spent a few hours wandering around the mall, buying next to nothing.... O.K. I bought nothing, but Janet did buy a nice coat.
We could not help but notice the incredible stroller traffic, It may have something to do with the fact that today's babies have far more disposable income and more fashion sense than past generations of babies!!? The funniest part was at the Old Navy, yes Old Navy is also part of the joke we know. Amidst all the strollers and noise Janet commented "Well, you know this is the stroller mall." What I heard was " It's the Stroller Bowl!!!"
Visions of babies performing roller derby antics crashing and bashing into everything and everyone came to mind, We thought it was kinda funny. So sorry for the poor attempt at comedy, best left to the professionals.
Anyway we are off to Grandpa Lynn's for Thanksgiving part deux today we shall revel and rejoice once again, and we do not have to cook (yeah!).
Bye for now,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan


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