Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hi everybody,
Well three years ago today Janet Dickson said "I Do" to Christopher Noseworthy; and before she could change her mind I had to lock the deal. To celebrate our friends Paul and Cherie Mattina made us the worlds best take out dinner (Steak, Pasta, Seafood). We strongly recommend them, call for reservations:
Mattina's Cucina
99 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown, ON L7G 4J6
Telephone : 905-702-8850
Tuesday night Janet and Aidan and I went out for dinner with Grandpa John, Auntie Kira and Uncle James at another fine Georgetown restaurant, The Stuffed Olive
Stuffed Olive-Wood Oven & Taps The
Address : 210 Guelph Street, Georgetown
Telephone : 905-877-1848
And unlike the past outing at Jack Astors, Aidan was the best behaved little boy in the world, in fact we think he slept most of the time. As we are quickly learning our boy has a taste for the finer things in life, not gamey olde blue jay restaurants, Leahy.
See you all later,
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan


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