Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It's a Jeep thing.....

I am really getting tired of apologizing for neglecting my duties on the Blog front (and occasionally everything else, I will accept fully responsibility, regret, etc.......) and will issue the following blanket apology:
"I Christopher, hereby formally accept full and complete responsibility for my actions or inactions in any and all respects pertaining to but not limited to everything and anything going astray, wrong, unpleasant, etc. If it would please the court I would like to accept my punishment at the Honolulu Detention and Surf Shop (tm.)
So with that out of the way Janet and I decided that the best way for me to atone for my sins was to purchase a new truck(let), as pictured above. We must however wait until Friday for it to be ready. We are a strange bunch, we have a school bus when we have no kids, now we will have a different school bus ("short") with one child. If this trend continues we will be crammed into a Miata with four kids (not going to happen). Seriously we love it, but in a different way from the Pilot. The kind of love that leaves you with that strange warm feeling in your wallet (extra money? Never heard of it before.) Plus it appears to be a little more capable for off road adventures with Grandpa John @ the farm.
Only time will tell. I promise to try to keep the Blogs more regular!
Thanks for your interest,
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan


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