Sunday, October 08, 2006


Yes it is true,
Babies really do come from pumpkin patches.
So, with that revelation we decided to return Aidan to whence he came....
Didn't work.
Really, we went to Pumpkinville yesterday for the annual pumpkin hunt and selected some fine specimens for our annual Halloween scare fest. Aidan had a great time (well, the parts when he was awake); if you live in the Georgetown area, it is great fun located @ Tenth side road and Fifth line, west of Trafalgar road.
Today we are off to Grandma Pauline's for Thanksgiving festivities and turkey. We are looking forward to having a great time with family and friends, and giving thanks for all the good fortune and miracles that we have witnessed this past year.
Happy Thanksgiving one and all,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan


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