Saturday, September 30, 2006

Saturday Morning Reflections

Hey everyone,
Story time:

Once upon a time a young lad named Aidan Connor ventured out into the grey morning mist. His quest was to located the legendary Crystal Soosie and return it to King Buster the Furry who in turn would use it's great power to bring peace to the land and unite all in love and fellowship. Unbeknownst to Aidan Connor, the King had been placed under a spell which had befuddled his brain, he was only able to muster one thought; noogies, must have more noogies.
So the villagers were ordered to scour the lands and seas for more noogies. When Aidan Connor heard of the malaise that had come over the King, he and his trusted stead Leap the Frog sought out the advice of the lands wisest sage, Mommy the Wise took Aidan Connor aside and detailed the tasks he must complete to free the Kings spirit and restore his mind. T'was the Crystal Soosie, it alone had the power. "But I have sought far and wide the Soosie to no avail. All is lost." replied Aidan Connor. "Not so young Aidan Connor, look in your hand." Aidan unclenched his fist to find only a mingy olde blue jay soosie. Puzzled he looked to Mommy the Wise, "Tis not the Crystal Soosie." Mommy the Wise took the Soosie and dipped it into the great waters of the Sink of Dreams gently washing away the dirt and germs. As an amazed Aidan Connor watched the Crystal Soosie appeared. "You had the power all along but did not need it." replied Mommy the Wise. A rightly confused Aidan Connor wondered aloud "But how...the King is still mad....What shall I do..."
Mommy the Wise called out in a forceful voice "Buster stop it!!!!" then grabbed the mighty Squirt Bottle of Vengance and sprayed the King Once, Twice, Thrice and as he ran away all could see that the spell had been broken. "You must remain vigilant and true to yourself and others will follow you to greatness my Son." And with that the villagers celebrated the inauguration of their new King; Aidan Connor. "Fiery and wise are your virtues my Son, now go and lead your people." Calm and order had returned to the valley and the villagers rejoiced the coming of a brave new era.
The End......?
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan the Great

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It's a Jeep thing.....

I am really getting tired of apologizing for neglecting my duties on the Blog front (and occasionally everything else, I will accept fully responsibility, regret, etc.......) and will issue the following blanket apology:
"I Christopher, hereby formally accept full and complete responsibility for my actions or inactions in any and all respects pertaining to but not limited to everything and anything going astray, wrong, unpleasant, etc. If it would please the court I would like to accept my punishment at the Honolulu Detention and Surf Shop (tm.)
So with that out of the way Janet and I decided that the best way for me to atone for my sins was to purchase a new truck(let), as pictured above. We must however wait until Friday for it to be ready. We are a strange bunch, we have a school bus when we have no kids, now we will have a different school bus ("short") with one child. If this trend continues we will be crammed into a Miata with four kids (not going to happen). Seriously we love it, but in a different way from the Pilot. The kind of love that leaves you with that strange warm feeling in your wallet (extra money? Never heard of it before.) Plus it appears to be a little more capable for off road adventures with Grandpa John @ the farm.
Only time will tell. I promise to try to keep the Blogs more regular!
Thanks for your interest,
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan

Friday, September 22, 2006

Hey Hey,
Hope everyone is well, as you can see Aidan has started working out in his educational baby gym something something leap frog this or other.... Harvard by ten or I want our money back...
I think that we have started to figure this whole baby thing out; I think I may have mentioned this before, soon to be proven wrong (as a note one can study the roots of fallacy in modern society, or spend one (1) hour with Aidan).
Let's play fill in the blanks shall we...
This _____ on my ____ is really _____ or maybe _______? Buster _____ that is not a ______ bad kitty!!
Honey have you seen my _____ I think I need ______ Darn!!!! ________?
What time does the _____ store close?
On that most confusing note _______ everybody except for _________!
Have a ____ day,
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hi everybody,
Well three years ago today Janet Dickson said "I Do" to Christopher Noseworthy; and before she could change her mind I had to lock the deal. To celebrate our friends Paul and Cherie Mattina made us the worlds best take out dinner (Steak, Pasta, Seafood). We strongly recommend them, call for reservations:
Mattina's Cucina
99 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown, ON L7G 4J6
Telephone : 905-702-8850
Tuesday night Janet and Aidan and I went out for dinner with Grandpa John, Auntie Kira and Uncle James at another fine Georgetown restaurant, The Stuffed Olive
Stuffed Olive-Wood Oven & Taps The
Address : 210 Guelph Street, Georgetown
Telephone : 905-877-1848
And unlike the past outing at Jack Astors, Aidan was the best behaved little boy in the world, in fact we think he slept most of the time. As we are quickly learning our boy has a taste for the finer things in life, not gamey olde blue jay restaurants, Leahy.
See you all later,
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Hope everybody had a great weekend; we had a chance to see many of you at Aunt Linda's party on Sunday. It was a wonderful day and a great time was had by all. Aidan had the chance to meet so many of his Great Aunts and Great Uncles, cousins and friends. We would just like to thank Jim and Linda for allowing us the opportunity to share this special day with them. Linda has shown so much strength and courage through such a difficult time, and as always carried herself with grace and dignity.
Hope to hear from all soon,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan.

Friday, September 15, 2006

This Blog was written by a committee...

This Blog was written by a committee

You are all under my control. Listen very carefully, I require three things. First, the keys to Chris' car. Second, $100 million dollars. Thirdly, Tom Jones' secret mind control technique. Go out into the world my loyal underlings and complete these tasks. The world shall be ours (mine) soon......Bwa ha ha ha ha....

Well, it has been a real busy week here, back to work for me; back to reality for Buster, and back to the task of learning how to manage life with the mighty Aidan Connor. At least the last one has been the most rewarding and fun. Aidan continues to amaze us daily, soon he will be looking for his passport and the keys to the car(Mexico is off limits until he is at least 21 and NOT accompanied by Buster).

Well, the weather this week was great, for ducks. So for the most part Aidan and I stayed indoors; however Thursday afternoon Aidan and I finally ventured out for a walk past the old homestead. Thankfully none of the neighbours caught us peering through windows. Felt like old times breaking into backyards (I mean exploring brave new lands). Looking forward to going to Auntie Linda's party Sunday afternoon to celebrate her courageous victory over her illness. Hope to see all the Sellors clan and show off our baby boy.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

From all of us thanks for visiting,
Chris, Janet, & Aidan
(..... and Buster tooooooooooo)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hello everybody,
As you can see Aidan is enjoying his morning workout. Mommy and Daddy on the other hand were grateful for a few more hours of sleep. Now if we could only get Buster to become a responsible baby sitter we could enjoy a night out once in a while (right Vegas just posted those odds this morning, one hundred billion to one, sounds promising?). Today is going to be a quiet one we think, we hope, maybe (not)?
Have a great day,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan

Friday, September 08, 2006

Good Morning,
Well I think it is...
We have have discovered a new wrinkle to this baby rearing thing; they get BIGGER really FAST. Aidan has started to outgrow those wimpy 0 to 3 months Onesies and now has his first pair of floods. I had hoped for one of those minature or 'toy' babies, you know they stay small and cutie even when they are like a hundred years old, keep up the good work Mephisto you'll get it one day.
Up, Up, and Away,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Day After the Day Before

After a fews days of recollection we have come to the conclusion that we have no idea what we are doing. We can't seem to find the manual and the tech support line is down... All the classes and books in the world are a big load of poop... with the following exception "How not to completely suck as a new parent." by Scott Feschuk, a definite must read.
Anyway, yesterday we had to venture out to Erin Mills Town Centre to have a misbehaving coffee maker sent out for service, on the way Aidan meet a bunch of girls in the Mommy room.
Kinda reminds meet of that commercial with Jessica Simpsons former husband (Nick something), I just picture Aidan with a little clicker, little casanova.
Oh well, check back soon,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan ("Don't h8 tha playa, h8 tha game....")

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jack Astor Adventure

Last night the three of us decided that it would be a good idea to go for dinner as a nice finish to a fun day at Square One Shopping Centre. We went to Jack Astors across the street for what we now call the reckoning, as in our reckoning that we shall not try it again for quite some time.
All things considered the performance was of Oscar winning caliber, the off stage antics included Daddy having his shirt burped upon (yes Janet I will listen and take a blanket next time) and my nice and handy PDA a victim of the splash back as well.
Have we learned a valuable lesson, yes. Shall we remember it in future, probably not.
Have a great day,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Crocodile Hunter

It is with great sadness that we have heard that Steve Irwin passed away this weekend. We were all great fans of the show, and we know that Aidan will grow to love it in the coming years. Read the news release here Visit the Animal Planet site here

Party Time !!

Good Morning,
Yesterday was the inaugural Anderson Court street party, fun and frivolity erupted in our normally quiet little neighbourhood. Fun, games and lots of food made for a great evening. Although the weather tried to wash us out our spirits remained undampened. It appears that Aidan will have lots of friends to play with around his age, must be something in the water :)
Check out the pictures here.
You can also listen to Janet’s favorite song (of the moment) by the Joel Plaskett Emergency by clicking here Nowhere With You.
Anyway, hope everyone had a great weekend.
Bye for now,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Say hello to my new friend Ben

Dear Mommy and Daddy,
this is my new friend, his name is Ben.
He lives with Great Uncle Mike and Great Aunt Eileen. I would really like to have him come to visit us. Or better yet we could get a Ben of our own, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!
Thank-you in advance.

Long Weekend Adventures

So as you can see we all went to the zoo on Thursday, a great time was had by all. Photos are now available on the MSN Photo site. Friday we all went to see Doctor Schachter, apparently he is the picture of perfect health. After all that good news and adventure we thought that Aidan might NEED to go and get some new clothes; Sherway Gardens fit the bill nicely and our boy had a great (and quiet) time.


Christopher, Janet, & Aidan

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What a crazy couple of days, Wednesday Amanda the Public Health Nurse came by to check Aidan out, seems as if we are starting to figure this out (well, just step one....).
So on her urging we went out to get some fresh air (the Toronto Zoo has some pretty fresh air, albeit fragrant). A great time was had by all, photos to follow,
See ya,
Christopher, Janet, & Aidan