The Day After the Day Before

After a fews days of recollection we have come to the conclusion that we have no idea what we are doing. We can't seem to find the manual and the tech support line is down... All the classes and books in the world are a big load of poop... with the following exception "How not to completely suck as a new parent." by Scott Feschuk, a definite must read.
Anyway, yesterday we had to venture out to Erin Mills Town Centre to have a misbehaving coffee maker sent out for service, on the way Aidan meet a bunch of girls in the Mommy room.
Kinda reminds meet of that commercial with Jessica Simpsons former husband (Nick something), I just picture Aidan with a little clicker, little casanova.
Oh well, check back soon,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan ("Don't h8 tha playa, h8 tha game....")
I'm a big Scott Feschuk fan, he's great - except when he was blogging the election for Paul Martin. His style of writing was out of place for a political campaign.
My favourite line of his was from a movie review - I forget which movie:
This Movie "is to the unsuspecting movie goer as a steel toe boot is to an unsuspecting groin."
He's also the only professional entertainment writer I read who liked The Dukes of Hazzard movie, which I concur with. And for the same reason I liked it - not because it was a good movie, but because it was fun anyway.
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