Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody, as you can see Aidan has on his VERY SCARY! costume and is getting ready to go on his first trick or treat sugar fueled adventure (well if by adventure you mean a walk around the court and sugar fueled you mean Mommy, then well maybe...).
We hope that everybody has a fun and happy Halloween.
Once again BOO!,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Memory Lane...

Thursday we all went down to Milton to visit an old friend and neighbour of mine, Marilyn Smith. She was very happy to meet Aidan and we had a wonderful visit.
And boy did she spoil our little man, a Tigger sleeper, hat, mitts, bib and his very own Tigger stuffed animal to carry around wherever he goes. What a lucky boy!
The old homestead looks a lot different, the trees are now HUGE, the fence is gone, and the city is in the process of changing all the water mains (and making a great big mess in the process).
But, it was still great to go back and visit a good family friend.
We are looking forward to Halloween and the sugar rush that accompanies it, pumpkin carving and Aidans SCARY!!!!! costume. Check back for the latest pics.
Sorry that I haven't uploaded any new photos to the Timtam.ca site or the MSN Photo site, I'll be working on that soon (I hope).
Anyway check back soon,
Christopher, Janet, and of course, Aidan

Monday, October 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Part III

What a week. As you can all see our boy has taken an interest in the musical arts. Mozart look out here comes Aidan.
We all attended Grandpa John and Grandma Robin's for Thanksgiving dinner part III. Auntie Kira, Great Grandparents Willy and Angela were also in attendance. Dinner was excellent and a great time was had by all.
Halloween is fast approaching and Aidan is very excited to show off his very scary costume....
You'll just have to wait to see this one.
Daddy has this week off and will try to catch up on some overdue chores (snores...) so check back to see what we get up to over the course of the week.
Have a quiet day,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan too

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

You bring home the Ham, I'll bring home the Bacon

Hello all,
Well as you can all see Janet and Aidan (and of course I) can be found lounging around the office. What you can not see (or hear for that matter) is the the fact that we are all enjoying (??) Fred Penner and his crazy version of children's entertainment. As Janet has said and I must concur, we will both be singing the Sandwich song in the nut house.
Yesterday we also traveled to 'Squirt's Toys & Learning Co' on Guelph Street in Georgetown.
We bought something called a 'Winkel' from Manhattan Toys, the same people that made the 'Whoozit', Aidan also has one of these and loves it!
Grandpa John came over tonight for a little visit this evening, Grandma Pauline came over this afternoon for a quick cuddle. It seems as thought the throughput of people has gone up exponentially with the passing weeks.
On another note Janet, Aidan and I went to Grandpa Lynn's on Sunday for Thanksgiving festivities, Great Grandma Joan and Auntie Lisa were also in attendance. Grandpa cooked up a fantastic dinner and a great time was had by all.
Check back soon,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Stroller Bowl

Hello all,
Yesterday we all decided that it would be a good idea to shake off the smell of house and go for a little adventure. Well we didn't venture far or have any hilarious circumstances ensue, Erin Mills Towne Centre held nothing but distraction.
If just to escape the terrible weather and bitter cold we spent a few hours wandering around the mall, buying next to nothing.... O.K. I bought nothing, but Janet did buy a nice coat.
We could not help but notice the incredible stroller traffic, It may have something to do with the fact that today's babies have far more disposable income and more fashion sense than past generations of babies!!? The funniest part was at the Old Navy, yes Old Navy is also part of the joke we know. Amidst all the strollers and noise Janet commented "Well, you know this is the stroller mall." What I heard was " It's the Stroller Bowl!!!"
Visions of babies performing roller derby antics crashing and bashing into everything and everyone came to mind, We thought it was kinda funny. So sorry for the poor attempt at comedy, best left to the professionals.
Anyway we are off to Grandpa Lynn's for Thanksgiving part deux today we shall revel and rejoice once again, and we do not have to cook (yeah!).
Bye for now,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan

Friday, October 13, 2006

Wow, Has it really been almost a whole week since we posted an entry....Yeeeesssss, I know so sorry. O.K. back to business, Aidan has had quite the few days, shopping, dinners, looking exceptional cute, etc. In all reality it has been a pretty slow week around the olde homestead, not much to report. However we will be attending Thanksgiving part II @ Grandpa Lynn's on Sunday. Funny how art (or what purports to be art) can imitate life, on 'The Family Guy' tonight Stewie had his first shots, and ended up hallucinating, Mr T. And some sharks or something....
Hopefully we will have some news soon, Later everybody, Christopher, Janet, and Aidan

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Yes it is true,
Babies really do come from pumpkin patches.
So, with that revelation we decided to return Aidan to whence he came....
Didn't work.
Really, we went to Pumpkinville yesterday for the annual pumpkin hunt and selected some fine specimens for our annual Halloween scare fest. Aidan had a great time (well, the parts when he was awake); if you live in the Georgetown area, it is great fun located @ Tenth side road and Fifth line, west of Trafalgar road.
Today we are off to Grandma Pauline's for Thanksgiving festivities and turkey. We are looking forward to having a great time with family and friends, and giving thanks for all the good fortune and miracles that we have witnessed this past year.
Happy Thanksgiving one and all,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hi everybody
Today our good friend Robert gave Aidan the worlds best (and maybe the worlds biggest) mobile, Hand made by a local artist, Ursula, an 80 year old lady with the most amazing skill in origami and art.
It looks completely amazing in his room and our boy can't take his eyes off it.

Check back later,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Needles are not friends

Good Morning,
Well our little boy had quite the day Tuesday, he had his first round of needles and he was not very happy about it. I had no idea that someone so little could make that much noise; and change colours that quickly (red, purple, blue...).
The nurse said that Aidan was the picture of health, bright, happy and growing like crazy.
Bye for now,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan