Thursday we all went down to Milton to visit an old friend and neighbour of mine, Marilyn Smith. She was very happy to meet Aidan and we had a wonderful visit.
And boy did she spoil our little man, a Tigger sleeper, hat, mitts, bib and his very own Tigger stuffed animal to carry around wherever he goes. What a lucky boy!
The old homestead looks a lot different, the trees are now HUGE, the fence is gone, and the city is in the process of changing all the water mains (and making a great big mess in the process).
But, it was still great to go back and visit a good family friend.
We are looking forward to Halloween and the sugar rush that accompanies it, pumpkin carving and Aidans SCARY!!!!! costume. Check back for the latest pics.
Sorry that I haven't uploaded any new photos to the
Timtam.ca site or the
MSN Photo site, I'll be working on that soon (I hope).
Anyway check back soon,
Christopher, Janet, and of course, Aidan