Return to the scene of the PDA Massacre...

Well yesterday was a huge step for the little guy. Some of you may recall the posting of September 6th, 2006 ("Jack Astor's Adventure") and the resulting destruction of electronic equipment; paying no heed to past lessons on what or where to not bring our little guy we went back to the scene of the crime.
Guess what?
He was great! No issues, no complaints, one diaper change, some cereal, a bit of milk and all was fine.
Mommy and Daddy on the other hand were not quite as good. Still recovering from some strange alien stomach flu (it had passed, however still a little queasy). Let's just say that our weekend was mostly sprints between the bathroom and crawls back to bed. Aidan was fine (so far...please stay that way!!!!) and just laughed, at us ? with us ? Who cares at least HE was laughing...
I have another week off to take care of some pressing matters (accounting or something tax like thingy) so I must retreat to me little shoe box of horrors and see if the accounting trolls of CCRA will honour me with some of our money back...
Not to likely. Anyway hope all is well for everybody...
Check back soon!,
Christopher, Janet, and Aidan too!!!!