Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Christopher and Busters time out.

Aidan, Janet and Grandma Pauline have gone and left buster and I all alone.
The silence is glorious, but strange at the same time. Funny how quickly we become accustomed to the symphony of chaos that surrounds us.
Janet is off to her checkup and of course Aidan must accompany her; Pauline is technical support.
Me, I get to sit back and ramble at the keyboard for a few minutes and rock out to the greatest band out of Sweden (I think), The Hives
Anyway Janet and Pauline might disagree (THEY think u2 is much better), Aidan is still undecided however Jack Johnson is something that does NOT make him scream that much).
So, after all that we have come to the conclusion that…. Right… OK then….
Cheerio all,
Christopher AKA Aidans Dad


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