Saturday, October 31, 2009

All hallow's eve....

Bwah ha ha ha ha.... And so on.
Happy halloween everyone. As you can see Aidan is protecting the kind citizenry from the clutches of darkness and/or kootie infested busters, etc.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable time. Keep the haunting safe my little pretty's ........

Chris, Janet, Aidan, Paige, Buster and Daisy too :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Aidan Paige and Elliot

Our three kids

As you can see we have arranged our children in age order.
Aidan the big brother is the oldest. Then comes Baby Elliot, and last but not least Baby Paige.
Of the three Baby Elliot is the quietest (must be on account of all the stuffing).
In other news Dada is back to work, yuckie yuck yuck. Mama is on mat leave. Dar is still full time at 'school', Paige is thinking of a career change (from cute to queen of the world)!
Grandma has been a great help, easing the transition from crazy to full on straight jacket wearing bonkers.
I think today we're going to Pumpkinville for halloween pumpkins.
Pictures to follow....
Check back soon,
Christopher, Janet, Aidan, and Paige too!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More cute stuff

Just a test to see if I can do posts from my blackberry :)
Apparently I can.

Christopher :)

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving....

Happy day after thanksgiving everyone!
As you can see we are still adjusting to life with Paige, and in her honour we decided to hold a "special" dinner just to celebrate something or other.
Oh wait, right Thanksgiving......

Turkey Loaf $24
Jellied Cranberries $0.97
Stove Top $ 0.99
Mashed Potatoes $4.00 for lots
yadda yadda , and booze
The heartburn......Priceless
Dinner at the Noseworthy household is always a culinary experiment (experience....maybe both).
looking for the zantac,
Christopher, Janet, Aidan, Paige, Buster, and Daisy too

TimTam 2.0 ....... TimTamTim 1.0

I've been a very bad man. I've neglected my duties as the web admin. I've been kinda busy of late. What else can I say but I'm really, really, really, etc... sorry.
Won't (I pinky swear) happen again. I think they bought it. Phew....
Anyway onwards and upwards. As you can see we at headquarters have been busy perfecting our next diabolical plan for total world domination....Bwah, wait that's Busters plan.
Our latest plan is to take over the planet using total cuteness....
Enter (cue the drum roll please)....
Paige Rita Noseworthy, @ 8lbs even she came into the family Wednesday October 7th @ 10:58am( 11 days early!!). Loving sister to big brother Aidan she has been fantastic (sleeps lots, cries little!!!).
Janet is doing great, Chris and Aidan, so so (still trying to figure out how to cook "dinner" using macaroni and scope) but I'm sure we will all make out O.K.
Life is now a little busier than before so even though I now have an even greater set of excuses for not keeping up on my "paperwork" I shall try and be more diligent in the future (see above pinky swear for reference).
Check back for more adventures in cuteness,
Christopher, Janet, Aidan, Paige, Buster, and Daisy too!!!