Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bath Time

Splish, Splash,
Adian as you can see has discovered a new activity, Bath Time in the big boy tub. Having recently upgraded from the little boy tabletop tub he now has much more room for not only himself, but also the multitude of friends, toys and mystery objects he has acquired in his short albeit exciting life.
Adian has just reached a new milestone, daycare! With much dismay we have discovered that Janet's return to the working world is upon us and we will need to make arrangements for someone other than ourselves to watch over him.
The short list of qualifiers includes, No Guns or Crossbows till after age 7, must have someone with a valid G2 drivers license until he can get his own (3 years ?), No baby eating snakes, Cages must be locked after 2 p.m., Lunch should not be 'Free range rabbit'. We could go on and on, but hey daycare spaces being what they are you can not afford to be to picky.
Seriously, we found a great daycare provider 5 minutes from home, Marcy Carlo @ The Neighbourhood Treehouse in Glen Williams. She has an excellent program and reputation. Although we don't truly want to leave the little guy with anyone, we feel really comfortable with her.
Well enough for now,
Check back soon,
Janet, Christopher, and Adian too

Monday, March 05, 2007

A Tale of Two Mushes

Where has the time gone? O.K. with that out of the way let's move on shall we.
As you can see Aidan has been trying out his new teeth on some of natures finest treats, mushed squash, mushed peas, mushed beans, mushed mush, etc. Reactions have been mixed, squash O.K. mushed green beans not so much.
He makes the strangest faces as to illustrate his disgust, yet he still eats all of it...
In other news Buster and Daisy are getting along for the most part, both have a few scraps and bruises but for the most part they are just having a grand olde time.
Aidan was to have his final swim class this morning to be witnessed by Grandma Pauline and Grandpa Lynn, but a power malfunction cancelled the swim. So in true trooper fashion Aidan took us all to the Georgeview Restaurant for a fine breakfast.
Right now Aidan is having his lunch (mushed carrots?) and will soon settle in for a much needed afternoon nap.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Check back soon,
Aidan, Janet, Christopher, Buster, and Daisy too.