Thursday, November 23, 2006

Ladies Night

Hello All,
I know it's been a little while, sorry; my bad.
As you can see Lil Cliff is all ready for Girls Night, now if only Big Cliff can find a matching Tee-Shirt we'd be good to go!
I've had the past week off, which has been lots of fun and adventures. The fat guy in the funny red suit has been elusive, the past two times we went hunting for him and his crazy elk, we struck out. We aren't giving up that easy fat man, watch for us. No amount of disgruntled Hobbits will stop us in our quest. Today we are off to the "Price Club" as we still refer to the Costco as. The trailer is hooked up behind the Jeep; bulk shipping containers of diapers and wipes our goal. If anyone has any warehouse space for rent let us know, this stuff takes up a lot of room (quantum physics has yet to allow for a practical virtual storage space in the nth dimension at a reasonable cost).
The little guy is in a great mood so we must run out now.
Check back soon,
Christopher, Janet and Aidan

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lest We Forget...

Yesterday was Remembrance Day, due to technical difficulties our posting could not be uploaded. However we would just like to take a moment to reflect upon all the sacrifices made by the fine men and women of our armed forces.
They have given so much to protect our way of life and values of freedom and liberty across the globe and through the ages, and yet they still serve and continue to fight for the freedoms that we so enjoy.
I know that this entry is a day late, however take a moment out of your day to reflect and give thanks for all these men and women who have risked all so that we do not have to.
For this we should be truly thankful and grateful.

Sunday Morning

Good Morning everyone,
Sorry about the long delay, but as they say better late than never...or something like that.
The last few days have been great and Aidan has finalized his ploy to take over the world with his Ray of Cuteness(tm, patent pending).
A second photo shoot was recently held and the results will be posted to soon.
The Georgetown Santa Claus Parade will be happening this evening and we will try to attend if we can battle past the hordes to view the big guy with the toys and crazy deer.
Last week Aidan attended baby school, AKA 'Calling New Parents', where he was the cutest and most vocal of all the babies in attendance.
Mommy will be returning next week for more fun and games.
Aidan has a play date with Grandma Pauline on Wednesday (Mommy has to sneak out to have her hair "done") the schedule is still being finalized.
Check back soon for more tales from "Crib-side",
Christopher, Janet , and of course Aidan