Help me become more fit on
Bwah ha ha ha ha.... And so on.
Chris, Janet, Aidan, Paige, Buster and Daisy too :)
Our three kids
As you can see we have arranged our children in age order.
Aidan the big brother is the oldest. Then comes Baby Elliot, and last but not least Baby Paige.
Of the three Baby Elliot is the quietest (must be on account of all the stuffing).
In other news Dada is back to work, yuckie yuck yuck. Mama is on mat leave. Dar is still full time at 'school', Paige is thinking of a career change (from cute to queen of the world)!
Grandma has been a great help, easing the transition from crazy to full on straight jacket wearing bonkers.
I think today we're going to Pumpkinville for halloween pumpkins.
Pictures to follow....
Check back soon,
Christopher, Janet, Aidan, and Paige too!!
Hello everyone,
As you can see we've had a little bit of snow here, not much but just enough for Aidan's annual Christmas photo shoot....
More photos will be made available to the highest bidders of course. Send cash to Aidan c/o Please allow forty six weeks for delivery.
We are all doing fairly well, however a case of the 'me have a runny nose' has been making its way through the household. Hopefully it doesn't stick around too long.
With Christmas quickly approaching and the guy in the funny red suit with the white beard watching, everyone has been on their best behaviour, well for the most part (Buster BAD!).
Check back soon for more photos and stuff!
Christopher, Janet, Aidan, Buster, and Daisy too !
Greetings all,
As was mentioned in our last catch-up post Aidan had a little 'incident' as we will forever refer to this event as. Aidan spent a night in the hospital with pneumonia, but he was super brave and Daddy has sworn that he will never leave the country for any reason whatsoever (unless Mommy makes him go to make more money....).
Flash forward to Halloween, which was super fun, due to the fact that Super Baby was off to save the day...